The sustainability of any of our developments is always a key issue that starts early in our projects and is under constant review.
Everybody has become aware in recent years about the need to reduce our global carbon footprint – and this goes right down to the individual human and its habit.
Every home has a carbon footprint of its own.
Our Aim
Is to include design features into these homes that will help reduce water and energy use, such as P.V and Solar panels, recycling water and many more efficient commodities.
Our Approach
Firstly there is the effect on the environment during its construction. We have reduced this at Manor Oak Homes by strengthening our commitment to recycling and cutting down on any waste that is produced during the building process.
Then there is the effect that each individual home will have on the environment over time as people live in it. We can identify this mainly from the energy and water that they will use and use construction materials and techniques that improve the homes energy efficiency.
Find out more about maximising the value of your land
Current Projects
Manor Oak Homes are currently working with landowners by taking land through the complex and ever changing planning process, predominantly focusing on residential development we have the following schemes active.
For Sale
Manor Oak Homes has achieved highly valuable planning permission for the landowners on the following sites, maximising the financial benefit. These projects are now being offered with planning consent in the open market.
PLEASE NOTE : You will need a username and password to access the sales documents, each scheme will direct you to the acting agents.
Manor Oak Homes are proactive in unlocking the full development potential of land to be developed, maximising the financial benefit for the landowners through strategic land development opportunities, find out more about how this works.
Who is behind the success of Manor Oak Homes?
Manor Oak Homes is a multi-disciplined company that specialises in promotional agreements, option agreements and freehold purchases for strategic land opportunities.
We believe in working on an open-book basis, building a strong relationship with clients, consultants, political bodies and industry contacts alike. We insist on working in a spirit of good faith, ensuring that we work in an environment of transparency and trust. We do not rely on a board, or the excuse of a board not to get things done, and will always pick up the phone at the first opportunity.
Interested in finding out more? Give us a call on 01604 781457
Alternatively, use our online form above or email:
You can write to us at:
Manor Oak Homes Limited
White Lodge Farm
Confidentiality assured on all discussions, no pressures or commitment.
Manor Oak Homes Ltd
White Lodge Farm
Telephone: 01604 781457
Our Current Projects in various stages of the planning process

This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.