Current Projects : Instructions and project planning progression


Welcome to Manor Oak Homes’ website for our proposed new strategic development site to the south east of Daventry in Northamptonshire.


Our Vision:

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce they are promoting the land south east of Daventry for a residential led strategic scheme including employment land, a new primary school and supporting community infrastructure. The land principally comprises an expanse of undulating arable farmland extending around 1.5km to the east of the current Daventry urban area. The site benefits from a frontage onto the A45, one of the key local road links leading from the M1 to the town, which provides an opportunity to secure immediate access to the strategic road network. The site also lies to the north and east of an emerging employment allocation.

Manor Oak Homes considers that the land represents the obvious location for a new strategic scale residential development on the edge of Daventry and allows the realisation of the long-standing vision of Daventry District Council to achieve a substantial ‘gateway’ at the south east of the town. Whilst this vision will be partially achieved through the allocation of employment land to the south, this site represents an opportunity to round off the growth of the south east of the town and fully deliver the Council’s vision of an entirely sustainable new community framing what is a key approach to Daventry.


Planning Promotion:

Manor Oak Homes are promoting this land as part of a strategic site comprising a residential-led scheme of approximately 1,100 dwellings along with 2.6ha of employment land, a new primary school and supporting community infrastructure via the emerging West Northamptonshire Strategic Plan to 2050.

A new 'Gateway' development at Daventry

FEEDBACK : Land at Daventry

6 + 7 =

Use our online form, left, or alternatively email:

You can write to us at:
Manor Oak Homes Limited
White Lodge Farm

Confidentiality assured on all discussions, no pressures or commitment.


Manor Oak Homes is a multi-disciplined company that specialises in promotional agreements, option agreements and freehold purchases for strategic land opportunities.

We believe in working on an open-book basis, building a strong relationship with clients, consultants, political bodies and industry contacts alike. We insist on working in a spirit of good faith, ensuring that we work in an environment of transparency and trust. We do not rely on a board, or the excuse of a board not to get things done, and will always pick up the phone at the first opportunity.


This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.