Latest news on the projects planning and granted applications


Welcome to our news page. We update this when we have new instructions, progression on any planning applications and any other news.

Last updated 04/10/2019.

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FOR SALE: Land off Barby Road, Braunston

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce Land of Barby Road, Braunston, in Northamptonshire is “FOR SALE” with Outline Planning Permission for 29 dwellings, including 9 affordable units, with associated access, parking and landscaping.
• Gross Area of approximately 1.95 Hectares (4.82 Acres)
• For Sale by Informal Tender

Offers are invited for the freehold interest, please contact Howkins & Harrison for further information and access to the dataroom:

Jeff Paybody
T: 01788 564686

Henry Martin
T: 01788 564681


SOLD: Land off Colchester Road, Wivenhoe

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce Land off Colchester Road, Wivenhoe is “SOLD” with Outline Planning Permission for 80 dwellings, including 16 affordable units, with associated access, parking and landscaping to Cala Homes.

Many thanks to the selling agents Paul Fosh, Iain Halls and Anna Logan at Ceres Property.


FOR SALE: Land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce Land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave is “FOR SALE” with resolution to grant Outline Planning Permission for 45 dwellings, including 4 affordable units, with associated access, parking and landscaping.
• Gross Area of approximately 1.5 Hectares (3.8 Acres)
• For Sale by Informal Tender

The site is being sold through agents Grangers. Please contact Michael Granger for further details including access to the technical pack:


For more information, click here

FOR SALE: Land off Colchester Road, Wivenhoe, Essex

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce Land off Colchester Road, Wivenhoe is “FOR SALE” with pending officer delegated approval of Outline Planning Permission for 80 dwellings, including 16 affordable units, with associated access, parking and landscaping.
• Gross Area of approximately 3.18 Hectares (7.85 Acres)
• For Sale by Informal Tender

The site is being sold through agents Ceres Property. Please contact Iain Halls and Paul Fosh for further details including access to the technical pack:

Email: and

The application can be viewed online via Colchester City Council’s Planning Portal. Planning Reference: 213507.

For more information, click here

ONLINE PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land North of Blackberry Lane, Soham

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce that we are currently promoting a development of up to 35 quality new homes including market and affordable housing and public open space on land north of Blackberry Lane Soham.

Stakeholder engagement is a key part of the development process and we are interested to hear residents’ views, ideas and concerns.

We are therefore holding an Online Public Exhibition until Wednesday 12th July 2023.

PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land at Barton Road, Barton Seagrave, Kettering

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce that we are currently promoting a development of up to 65 quality new homes including market and affordable housing and public open space on land at Barton Road, Barton Seagrave, Kettering.

Stakeholder engagement is a key part of the development process and we are interested to hear residents’ views, ideas and concerns.

We are therefore holding a Public Exhibition at Barton Seagrave Village Hall on Friday 26th May 2023 between 4.00pm to 7.30pm.

PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land to the south of and east of Grange Park, Northampton

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we currently promoting a development for a new sustainable community of up to 900 dwellings on land to the south and east of Grange Park, Northampton. The site benefits from vehicular access off Quinton and Wootton Roads and proposals include land for a new school, a local centre, allotments, public open space, and an extension to the country park.

Stakeholder engagement is a key part of the development process and we are interested to hear residents’ views, ideas and concerns.

We are therefore holding a Public Exhibition at Quinton Village Hall on Wednesday 1st March 2023 between 4.00pm to 7.00pm and another Public Exhibition at Foxfield Pavilion, Grange Park on Thursday 2nd March between 4.00pm to 7.00pm.

FOR SALE: Land Off Bury Road, Beyton, Suffolk, IP30 9AW

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce Land off Bury Road, Beyton, is “FOR SALE” with Resolution to Grant outline planning permission for fourteen dwellings, including 5 affordable, with associated access, parking, and landscaping.
• Gross Area of approximately 0.87 Hectares (2.15 Acres)
• For Sale as a whole by Informal Tender

The site is being sold through agents Brown & Co. Please contact Nicholas Staton or Robert Fairey for further details including access to the technical pack:

Email: or

The application can be viewed online via Mid Suffolk District Council’s Planning Portal. Planning Reference Number DC/21/04987. [ VIEW ]

PUBLIC CONSULTATION: Land at Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury

Manor Oak Homes are holding a public consultation for our proposed new development at Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury of up to 175 quality new homes including 30% affordable housing, new trees and public open space. We have set up a dedicated public consultation webpage and welcome residents comments on our proposals. [ VIEW ]

FOR SALE: Land north of Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury

Manor Oak Homes are please to announce land at Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury is now for sale with the benefit of resolution to grant planning consent for a proposed new development of up to 78 quality new homes including 30% affordable housing, new trees and public open space. Contact Piers Beeton and Richard Foxon at Newton for access to the technical pack. [ VIEW ]

PLANNING CONSENT: Land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave

Manor Oak Homes are please to announce we have obtained Resolution to Grant Planning Consent at land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave for a proposed new development of up to 45 quality new homes including 10% affordable housing, new trees and public open space. Sale details will be circulated in due course. [ VIEW ]

PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land off Stratford road, Deanshanger

Manor Oak Homes are holding a Public Consultation Exercise to inform residents about the proposed new residential-led development at Stratford road, Deanshanger. We will shortly be submitting a planning application for a development of up to 67 quality new homes including 50% affordable housing, new trees and public open space. We have set up a dedicated public consultation webpage and welcome residents comments on our proposals. [ VIEW ]


Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land at Lady Grove, Didcot is ‘FOR SALE’ with the benefit of Outline Planning Permission for 150 new homes including 40% affordable dwellings and a Country Park. The 15 Hectare site is located in South Oxfordshire district next to the Didcot Northeast Sustainable Urban Extension, within walking distance of Didcots train station. The North Wessex Downs AONB lies on the sites eastern boundary.

The site is being sold through agents Adkin and Green & Co. Please contact Kevin Prince and Matthew Green for further details including access to the technical pack:

Green & Co
Matthew Green
Call: 01235 773408

Kevin Prince
Call: 01235 862888

The application can be viewed online via the South Oxfordshire Planning Portal. Application reference: P20/S1577/O

PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land north of Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury

Manor Oak Homes are please to annouce we are holding a Public Consultation Exercise to inform residents about the proposed new residential-led development at Dukes Meadow Drive, Banbury. We will shortly be submitting a planning application for a development of up to 78 quality new homes including 30% affordable housing, new trees and public open space. We have set up a dedicated public consultation webpage and welcome residents comments on our proposals. [ VIEW ]

PUBLIC EXHIBITION: Land at Colchester road and Elmstead road, Wivenhoe

Manor Oak Homes are holding a Public Consultation Event at William Loveless Hall, Wivenhoe on Tuesday 5th October 2021 between 2pm and 8pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential-led developments at land at Colchester road and Elmstead road, Wivenhoe. Members of the project team were on hand to listen to residents ideas and concerns and to answer questions. Formal Pre-application Consultation closes on 20th October 2021. [ VIEW ]

FOR SALE: Land at Roxton in Bedfordshire

We are pleased to announce the land off School Lane, Roxton is now ‘FOR SALE’ with the benefit of resolution to grant planning permission for the erection of up to 50 dwellings (including 30% affordable) with associated landscaping, open space, vehicular access and parking provision. All matters reserved aside from access.

Please contact Peter Moore at Bletsoes for more details and access to the technical pack.

Peter Moore MSc MRICS FAAV
Telephone: 01832 732241

The application can be viewed online on the Bedford Borough Council Planning Portal. Application reference: 21/00014/MAO


Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land off Silchester road, Bramley is ‘FOR SALE.’

This is an exciting opportunity to acquire a well located development site with detailed planning permission for 12 no. dwellings, associated access, parking, landscaping and amenity space.

The site is being sold through Adkin. Please contact Kevin Prince or Simon Alden for further details including access to the technical pack.

Application Submitted: Land at Gray’s Lane, Hitchin 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have submitted an outline planning application for up to 58 new homes, including market and affordable housing and public open space at Hitchin in Hertfordshire. The site forms part of a greenbelt release housing allocation in the draft North Hertfordshire Local Plan. The scheme is sustainably located, close to existing facilities within the town and will provide for much needed new homes within the district. 

The application is available to view on North Hertfordshire District Council’s website. The application reference is:

21/01562/OP | Outline planning permission for up to 58 dwellings, a community woodland, associated car parking, open space, landscaping and new access from Grays Lane, with all matters reserved except for access. | Land To The East Of Foxholes And Gainsford House And On The West Side Of Crow Furlong Hitchin Hertfordshire.


Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land south of Thenford Road, Middleton Cheney is ‘FOR SALE’ with the benefit of Full Planning Permission for 20 new homes including 10 market and 10 affordable dwellings. The site is located on the rural edge of this sustainable and desirable south Northamptonshire village and provides for an attractive range of new homes.

The site is being sold through agents Brown & Co. Please contact Thomas Birks for further details including access to the technical pack:

Thomas Birks
Telephone: 01295 273555
Mobile: 07919 015677

The application can be viewed online South Northamptonshire Council Planning Portal. Application reference: S/2020/0183/MAF

Land at Roxton, Bedfordshire obtains Resolution to Grant planning consent

We are delighted to confirm we obtained resolution to grant planning permission at School Lane, Roxton in Bedfordshire for erection of up to 50 dwellings (including 30% affordable) with associated landscaping, open space, vehicular access and parking provision. All matters reserved aside from access.

A big thank you to our team of consultants that did an excellent job.

The application can be viewed online on the Bedford Borough Council Planning Portal. Application reference: 21/00014/MAO

Won at appeal: Land south of Theford Road, Middleton Cheney

Full Planning Permission for 20 new homes in a Special Landscape Area won at appeal on a ‘flat’ balance at Land South of Thenford Road, Middleton Cheney.

We have obtained full planning permission for 20 dwellings in a Special Landscape Area in South Northamptonshire. We successfully argued that despite the designation, the site represented only moderate quality landscape, and that the sensitively designed scheme would only cause minor harm to the landscape.

Despite the Inspector concluding that South Northamptonshire could (just) demonstrate a 5 year housing land supply, the benefits associated with the scheme outweighed any harm to the development plan or to the landscape.

A great team effort to get this one across the line! Thank you to everyone involved in the planning application and the appeal. 

The application can be viewed online South Northamptonshire Council Planning Portal. Application reference: S/2020/0183/MAF

Application Submitted: Land north of Colston Gate, Cotgrave 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have submitted an outline planning application for 45 new homes, including market and affordable housing and public open space at Cotgrave in Nottinghamshire. The site forms part of a greenbelt release housing allocation in the Ruschliffe Borough Local Plan part 2. The scheme is sustainably located, close to existing facilities within the town and will provide for much needed new homes within the Borough.

SOLD: Land north of Grange Lane, Littleport 

A good start to 2021 as Manor Oak Homes have exchanged contracts with a JV between Vistry and Evera selling them the above site with outline planning permission for 680 dwellings and a neighbourhood centre at Littleport Cambridgeshire. This is Manor Oak Homes second sale of 2021.

We have spent the last 12 months discharging a number of pre commencement conditions and agreeing a very detailed design code. I would like to thank our team, Carter Jonas (planning), Aspect (landscape, tree, and ecology), Martin Andrews Consulting (highways and drainage), RG+P (architects) and Robert Fairey of Brown & Co (selling agent) for all their hard work over the course of this successful project. A great team effort.

We wish Vistry and Evera the best of luck with the site.

SOLD: Land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham is now SOLD to Casltmore Homes. Castlemore Homes aim is to provide an exceptional product to meet the needs of the UK housing sector from innovative affordable housing to eye-catching and desirable private homes, catered towards modern-day living.  [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land north of School Lane, Roxton 

Manor Oak Homes have submitted an outline planning application to Bedford Borough Council for a proposed new residential development at land north of School Lane, Roxton in Bedfordshire, which will include 50 market and affordable dwellings and public open space.  [ VIEW ]

Land south of Silchester Road, Bramley

Manor Oak Homes have recieved planning consent for a proposed new residential development at land south of Silchester Road, Bramley, including 12 no. market and affordable dwellings and public open space in the borough of Basingstoke & Deane. The scheme was approved at appeal. Further information will be made available in due course. [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land north of School Lane, Roxton 

Manor Oak Homes are holding a Virtual Public Consultation Event between Monday 5th October 2020 and Monday 26th October 2020 to consult residents about the proposed new residential development at land north of School Lane, Roxton in Bedfordshire, which will include 50 market and affordable dwellings and public open space. We look forward to receiving your feedback and questions.  [ VIEW ]

FOR SALE: Land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the sale of land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham with resolution to grant planning permission for 33 market and affordable dwellings and open space. Contact Robert Fairey at Brown & Co for further details.  [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land east of Lady Grove, Didcot

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have submitted a planning application for a proposed new residential development at land east of Lady Grove, Didcot, which will include 176 market and affordable dwellings and 22 acres of publicly accessible open space. The application can be viewed and commented upon on the online South Oxfordshire District Council Planning Portal. Application reference: P20/S1577/O. [ VIEW ]

Application Approved: Land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have obtained Resolution to Grant Planning Permission on the land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham for 33 market and affordable dwellings and open space from East Suffolk Council. The site will be marketed in due course once the S106 has been signed.  [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land east of Lady Grove, Didcot

Manor Oak Homes are conducting a Public Consultation Exercise to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land east of Lady Grove, Didcot, which will include 176 market and affordable dwellings and 22 acres of publicly accessible open space. We welcome residents’ feedback on our proposals prior to our submission of an outline planning application later in April 2020. [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land south of Silchester Road, Bramley

Manor Oak Homes have submitted a planning application for a proposed new residential development at land south of Silchester Road, Bramley, including 13 no. market and affordable dwellings and public open space to Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council. There will be an opportunity to comment on the application on the Basingstoke & Deane Borough Council website prior to it being determined by the Council [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land south of Theford Road, Middleton Cheney

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to annouce we have submitted a planning application for a proposed new residential development at land south of Theford Road, Middleton Cheney, which will include 23 market and affordable dwellings and open space. The application can be viewed and commented upon on the online South Northamptonshire Council Planning Portal. Application reference: S/2020/0183/MAF [ VIEW ]

Planning Application Submitted: Land north of Ashwell Street, Ashwell

Manor Oak Homes have submitted a planning application for a proposed new residential development at land north of Ashwell Street, Ashwell, including 24 market and affordable dwellings and public open space to North Hertfordshire District Council. There will be an opportunity to comment on the application on North Hertfordshire District Council’s website prior to it being determined by the Council [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to annouce we have submitted a planning application on the land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham for 33 market and affordable dwellings and open space to East Suffolk Council. The application can be commented upon on East Suffolk Councils’ website: Application reference: DC/19/4510/OUT.  [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land south of Theford Road, Middleton Cheney

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event at Middleton Cheney Village Hall on Friday 8th November 2019 between 3:30pm and 7:00pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land south of Theford Road, Middleton Cheney, which will include market and affordable dwellings and open space. Members of the project team were on hand to listen to residents ideas and concerns, and answer questions. Formal Consultation closes on 22nd November 2019. [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land north of Ashwell Street, Ashwell

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event at Ashwell Parish Room on Wednesday 16th October 2019 between 3:30pm and 7:30pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land north of Ashwell Street, Ashwell, which will include market and affordable dwellings and open space. Members of the project team were on hand to listen to residents ideas and concerns, and answer questions. Formal Consultation closes on 30th October 2019. [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land south of Silchester Road, Bramley 

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event at Bramley Village Hall on Thursday 30th October 2019 between 4:00pm and 7:00pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land south of Silchester Road, Bramley, which will include market and affordable dwellings and open space. Members of the project team were on hand to listen to residents ideas and concerns, and answer questions.  [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham 

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event at Bucklesham Village Hall on Thursday 3rd October 2019 between 4:30pm and 7:30pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land south east of Levington Lane, Bucklesham in Suffolk, which will include market and affordable dwellings and open space. Members of the project team were on hand to listen to residents ideas and concerns, and answer questions.  [ VIEW ]

Leaflet Drop: Land north of Hookhams Lane, Salph End, Bedford 

Manor Oak Homes carried out a leaflet drop on the 5th September 2019  to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land north of Hookhams Lane, Salph End which will include market and affordable dwellings and public open space.  For those that wish to comment on our website you can do so via the following link: [ VIEW ]

Land Sold to Galliford Try

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land at Cork Lane, Glen Parva in Leicestershire has been sold to Galliford Try with the benefit of outline planning permission for 165 new homes. Galliford Try is one of the UK’s leading housebuilding, regeneration and construction groups. Galliford Try is founded on values of excellence, passion, integrity and collaboration, with a vision to be leaders in the construction of a sustainable future. [ VIEW ]

Application Submitted: Land south of Sutton Road, Witchford 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have submitted an outline application for a proposed new residential development of up to 70 dwellings at land south of Sutton Road, Witchford, which will include market and affordable dwellings and public open space.  [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave

Manor Oak Homes, Barratt Homes and Taylor Wimpey are holding a Public Consultation Event at Cotgrave Futures on Thursday 27th June 2019 between 2:30pm and 7:30pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land south of Hollygate Lane, Cotgrave, which will include market and affordable dwellings and public open space. Formal public consultation closes on Monday 8th July 2019. For those unable to attend, the exhibition boards will be made available to view and comment on via the following link after the public consultation event has taken place: [ VIEW ]

For Sale: Land at Rayne Road, Braintree

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce land at Rayne road, Braintree is now For Sale with the benefit of outline planning permission for up to 45 dwellings, including market and affordable homes, and public open space. For more information, please contact Michael Hudson and Nell Dickson at Sworders [ VIEW ]

For Sale: Land at Kibworth

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce land at Kibworth, Leicestershire is now For Sale with the benefit of full planning permission for 45 retirement homes nestled in the heart of the Kibworths, off St Wilfrid’s Close. For more information please contact George Fox or Sam Edwards at Strutt & Parker: [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Land south of Sutton Road, Witchford 

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event at Witchford Village College on the 14th May 2019 between 4:30pm and 7:45pm to inform residents about the proposed new residential development at land south of Sutton Road, Witchford, which will include market and affordable dwellings and public open space. Formal Public Consultation Closes on the 28th May. For those unable to attend, the exhibition boards are available to view and comment on via the following link: [ VIEW ]

Grange Park Planning Application Submitted 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have submitted a planning application to South Northamptonshire Council for a proposed new residential development of 330 dwellings at land south of Grange Park, including market and affordable housing and Public Open Space. [ VIEW ]

Land Sold to WElink Homes

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land south of Main Street, Witchford, in Cambridgeshire has been sold to WElink Homes with the benefit of outline planning permission for 46 new homes. WElink is an exciting new entrant to the market that aims to provide high quality new homes in an energy-efficient and affordable manner. [ VIEW ]

For Sale: Land at Littleport

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce land at Littleport, Cambridgeshire is now For Sale with the benefit of outline planning permission for 680 dwellings and a community hub, including market and affordable homes, a retirement home and public open space. [ VIEW ]

Sold Subject To Contract: Land at Launton

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land at Blackthorn road, Launton is now Sold Subject to Contract. The land is sold with the benefit of outline planing permission for up to 72 dwellings, including market and affordable homes, and public open space. [ VIEW ]

Land Sold to Clowes Developments

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land south of Wistow Road, Kibworth has been sold to Clowes Developments with the benefit of outline planning permission for light industrial units and office space. This is the first phase of development to be sold and further land is currently being promoted for a community retail hub on land to the South and East of Priory Business Park. [ VIEW ]

Grange Park Public Exhibitions: Quinton and Grange Park 

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we are holding Public Consultation Events for the proposed new residential development of 330 dwellings at land south of Grange Park at Quinton, (31st  January 2019 from 4pm to 7pm at Quinton Village Hall) and Grange Park, (4th February 2019 from 4pm to 7pm at Grange Park Community Centre). Consultants will be on hand to answer questions you may have about our proposals. [ VIEW ]

Manor Oak Homes: New Recruit

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce that Toby Haselwood MRTPI has joined the Manor Oak Homes Team as Strategic Land and Planning/Project Manager.

Land Sold to Morris Homes

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land at Gypsy Lane, Kettering has been sold to Morris Homes with the benefit of outline planning permission for 81 dwellings. [ VIEW ]

Outline Planning Permission for Land at Launton

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have obtained outline planning permission at appeal for the land at Blackthorn road, Launton for up to 72 dwellings, including market and affordable homes, and public open space. [ VIEW ]

Public Exhibition: Gray’s Lane, Hitchin

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we are holding a Public Consultation Event for the proposed new residential development of 60 dwellings at Gray’s Lane, Hitchin on the 19th September 2018 from 3pm to 8pm at the Sun Hotel, Hitchin. Consultants will be on hand to answer questions you may have about our proposals. [ VIEW ]

Outline Planning Permission for Land at Rayne Road, Braintree

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we have obtained resolution to grant outline planning permission for the land at Rayne road, Braintree for up to 45 dwellings, including market and affordable homes, and public open space. [ VIEW ]

Land Sold to Crest Nicholson

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land at Steeple Claydon has been sold to Crest Nicholson with the benefit of planning permission for 95 dwellings. [ VIEW ]

Outline Planning Permission for Land at Littleport

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce a resolution to Grant Outline Planning Permission attained for 680 dwellings and a community hub, including market and affordable homes, a retirement home and public open space on land to the north of Grange Lane to the west of Littleport, Cambridgeshire. [ VIEW ]

Land at Main Street, Witchford is now offered For Sale

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the Land at Main Street, Witchford is now For Sale with the benefit of outline planning permission for 46 new homes. [ VIEW ]

Land at St Wilfrid’s Close is now offered For Sale

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land at St Wilfrid’s Close, Kibworth is For Sale with the benefit of Outline Planning Permission for 46 retirement flats. [ VIEW ]

Land Promoters and Developers Federation

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce that we have been working alongside other renowned UK land promoters to establish the Land Promoters and Developers Federation. The LPDF aims to contribute to finding a solution to the critical undersupply of housing in this country. [ VIEW ]

A glance at the past news

For Sale: Swaffham

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to offer land at Swaffham, Norfolk with a Resolution to grant Planning Permission for 165 dwellings including 49 affordable dwellings For Sale by Informal Tender. [ 09.2016 ]

Harwell For Sale

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce the land at Reading Road, Harwell is for sale with the benefit of outline planning permission for 16 houses including market and affordable homes and Public Open Space. [ date ]

Main Street, Witchford

Manor Oak Homes are please to announce we are forming a scheme of approximately 48 dwellings on land off Main Street, Witchford including market and affordable housing and Public Open Space. We welcome any comments you may have on the proposed scheme. [ date ]

For Sale: Littleport

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to offer land at Littleport, Cambridgeshire with a Resolution to grant Planning Permission for 63 dwellings including 19 affordable dwellings For Sale by Informal Tender. [ date ]

Gipsy Lane, Kettering

Manor Oak Homes are please to announce we are forming a scheme of approximately 81 dwellings on land off Gipsy Lane, Kettering including market and affordable housing and Public Open Space. We welcome any comments you may have on the proposed scheme. [ date ]

Find out more about maximising the value of your land

Current Projects

Manor Oak Homes are currently working with landowners by taking land through the complex and ever changing planning process, predominantly focusing on residential development we have the following schemes active.

For Sale

Manor Oak Homes has achieved highly valuable planning permission for the landowners on the following sites, maximising the financial benefit. These projects are now being offered with planning consent in the open market.

PLEASE NOTE : You will need a username and password to access the sales documents, each scheme will direct you to the acting agents.


Manor Oak Homes are proactive in unlocking the full development potential of land to be developed, maximising the financial benefit for the landowners through strategic land development opportunities, find out more about how this works.

Interested in finding out more? Give us a call on 01604 781457


This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.