Current Projects : Instructions and project planning progression

Witchford, Cambridgeshire

Welcome to Manor Oak Homes’ public consultation website for our proposed new development at land south of Sutton Road, Witchford, Cambridgeshire. 

Our Vision:

Manor Oak Homes are pleased to announce we currently promoting a residential-led scheme on land south of Sutton Road, Witchford. The site benefits from access off Sutton Road and is currently being promoted for residential development, including market and affordable homes and public open space.

Public Consultation Event:

Manor Oak Homes held a Public Consultation Event on Tuesday the 14th May 2019 between 4:30pm and 7:45pm in the Main Hall of the Witchford Village College. Members of the public were invited to attend the event to view and comment on our proposals. Members of the Manor Oak Homes team were on hand to answer questions.

Formal Public Consultation closed on the 28th May 2019. All comments have been reviewed by the project team and collated into a Statement of Community Involvement.

Outline Application Submission:

Following public consultation and preapplication discussions with East Cambridgeshire planning officers, Manor Oak Homes have now submitted a revised scheme for 70 dwellings including 49 market and 21 affordable homes and Public Open Space, including a Locally Equipped Area of Play to East Cambridgeshire District Council as part of an outline planning application.

There is a link to our Design and Access Statement that details our proposals here.

We would like to thank Residents and East Cambridgeshire Planning officers for the useful and informative feedback they have provided.

Outline Planning Application Submitted

Sutton Road, Witchford Exhibition in PDF

We have published a PDF of the recent public exhibition for your viewing, click to download.
Public Consultation Boards

Land south of Sutton Road, Witchford

Sutton Road, Witchford Design and Access in PDF

Design and Access Statement

Land south of Sutton Road, Witchford

You will need Adobe Acrobat Reader to view this download, if this isn’t installed on your device, simply click on the ‘Get Acrobat’, prior to downloading.


Following a period of consultation including discussions with East Cambridgeshire Planning Officers and Residents, we have submitted an outline application to East Cambridgeshire District Council including:

– Access off Sutton Road
– A broad mix of 1 to 5 bedroom new homes
– Up to 49 market dwellings
– Up to 21 affordable dwellings
– Public Open Space
– Locally Equipped Area of Play
– Opportunties for a net gain in biodiversity

Once the Planning Application has been validated by the East Cambridgeshire planning team, there will be an opportunity to comment on the East Cambridgeshire District Council Planning Portal.

We welcome your comments on the proposed scheme

FEEDBACK : Land south of Sutton Road, Witchford

4 + 8 =

Use our online form, left, or alternatively email:

You can write to us at:
Manor Oak Homes Limited
White Lodge Farm

Confidentiality assured on all discussions, no pressures or commitment.

Your personal details will not be disclosed to any third party and are only being used for the purposes of this community consultation exercise, with feedback incorporated into our Statement of Community involvement (names/ addresses will be kept out). 


Manor Oak Homes is a multi-disciplined company that specialises in promotional agreements, option agreements and freehold purchases for strategic land opportunities.

We believe in working on an open-book basis, building a strong relationship with clients, consultants, political bodies and industry contacts alike. We insist on working in a spirit of good faith, ensuring that we work in an environment of transparency and trust. We do not rely on a board, or the excuse of a board not to get things done, and will always pick up the phone at the first opportunity.


This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.