Our Vision: Bourton Meadow - Buckingham


Buckingham, Buckinghamshire

Welcome to Manor Oak Homes’ public consultation website for our proposals for at land at Bourton Meadow, Buckingham.

Manor Oak Homes would like to hear your views on our proposals that seek to respond positively to the allocation Policy CLH6 in the Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan.

Our proposals, which are at an early stage in their development, include substantial new ’green infrastructure’ around the historic canal in the form of new open space and areas for biodiversity enhancement, a new visitor/heritage interpretation centre, alongside circa 2 hectares of land for residential use.

We would like to hear your views!

The Proposed Vision: to establish a strong and vibrant connection between nature and the historic environment and the residents and visitors of Buckingham. 

Our Proposals will seek to deliver a valued addition to the Buckingham community, enhancing the market towns connection with its historic past, with nature and with the surrounding countryside. The initial stage Concept Masterplan has been sensitively designed, in conjunction with the Buckingham Canal Society, to respect its setting and provide a positive Gateway onto the Buckingham Canal and the countryside beyond, encouraging visitors and residents of Buckingham to explore the walks along the historic canal, the nature reserves and wider countryside to the east of Buckingham.

Site vision, accessibility and connections.

A new visitor/heritage centre 

– Supporting the Buckingham Canal Society in redeveloping the Buckingham Arm of the Grand Union Canal to re-open the canal as a working waterway with links through to Cosgrove;

– Potential provision for leisure activities;

– Opportunity to develop educational facilities focussing on ecology, wildlife, biodiversity and natural environment, as well as local heritage. This could be in the form of information boards, nature hides and observation areas;

– Could include a number of additional uses such as a cafe, micro-museum, small plant nursery or perhaps a community hall.

– Associated parking, including EV Charging points.


Substantial ‘green infrastructure’ in the form of new open space and areas for biodiversity enhancement

– A layout which includes public open space east of the canal which could provide areas for recreational use – natural play and picnic areas;

Improve public access and establish new routes to accommodate pedestrians, cyclists and wheelchair users, and enhance connectivity to the wider countryside beyond;

Enhance and increase biodiversity by incorporating reed beds and areas of wet woodland to support habitat creation along the Grand Union Buckingham Arm and River Great Ouse;

– The area along the canal provides an opportunity for high quality landscaping with new tree planting to filter views of built development from the footpath.

Circa 2 hectares of land for an attractively designed new residential scheme

– An important component, it provides the necessary funding to enable the other elements to be delivered, and an opportunity to deliver additional housing to help meet local need in a sustainable location.

– The site is capable of accommodating circa 80 homes, 30 dwellings per hectare;

– It is proposed that the site would accommodate a mix of tenures and house types in accordance with current neighbourhood plan policy (35% affordable). The site can also include a number of self-build plots

A vehicular access off the A413

– New controlled pedestrian crossings across the A413



 Proposed Landscape





Buckingham Neighbourhood Plan

(2015) Policy CLH6







Local Services and Facilities

Rights of way network


Public Consultation and Stakeholder Engagements is an important part of the planning process.

Public Consultation

Stakeholder engagement is a key part of the development process and we are interested to hear residents’ views, ideas and concerns. To date, we have engaged with the Buckingham Town Council and with residents through the early stages of the Neighbourhood Plan review, attending the Developer Roadshow hosted by the Buckingham Town Council on Saturday 27th January 2024. We will continue to promote the site through the Neighbourhood Plan Process, seeking to engage with residents on our proposals as the Niehgbourhood Plan progresses.

We attended the Developer Roadshow hosted by Buckingham Town Council/Neighbourhood Plan Steetring Group on 27th January 2024. A comments form can be found below alongside a PDF copy of the Vision.

Data Protection: all contact details and comments will only be used expressly in connection with this consultation.

Next Steps

Manor Oak Homes is continuing to promote the site at Bourton Meadow through the Neighbourhood Plan review, and will continue to engage with stakeholders in the process including residents, Buckingham Town Council and Buckinghamshire Council. 

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We welcome your views on our proposals:

As part of developing our proposals, we would like feedback from local people about what this future environment should look like and how it will best fit in with your community and your surrounding areas.

We would like to hear your views on areas such as:
– Publicly accessible recreational space
– Visitor/Heritage Centre
– Educational Opportunities
– Tourism Opportunities
– Access and connectivity
– Nature Areas and Biodiversity Enhancements
– Broad mix of homes
– Affordable homes


We welcome your views on our Proposals

FEEDBACK : Bourton Meadow, Buckingham

4 + 15 =

We are always happy to hear comments on our proposals, and therefore if you would like to get in touch , please use our online form, left, or alternatively email: info@manoroakhomes.co.uk

You can write to us at:

Manor Oak Homes,
White Lodge Farm,

Data Protection: your contact details and comments will only be used expressly in connection with this consultation.


Manor Oak Homes is a multi-disciplined company that specialises in promotional agreements, option agreements and freehold purchases for strategic land opportunities.

We believe in working on an open-book basis, building a strong relationship with clients, consultants, political bodies and industry contacts alike. We insist on working in a spirit of good faith, ensuring that we work in an environment of transparency and trust. We do not rely on a board, or the excuse of a board not to get things done, and will always pick up the phone at the first opportunity.


This website, drawings and reports are the copyright of Manor Oak Homes and their Consultants and shall not be reproduced without their permission. Ordnance Survey map information reproduced with permission of HMSO Crown Copyright reserved. Manor Oak Homes will take reasonable measures/actions to ensure the website is updated regularly, but will not accept any liability. Viewers of the website should also check with the planning department of the Council.